Hi Gorgeous! Assalamualaikum.
Title entry ni nampak macam lebih berwawasan ckit. Mood aku kurang baik hari ni atas sebab yang mungkin munasabah. Rasa munasabah untuk diri sendiri tapi bila ada tukang analisa handalan, tentu dia kata 'ya udah, soalnya kamu itu siyh yang bersalah. Gak ada yang lain'. Takpe, tak kisah la kan. Alasan yang terpacul tu adakalanya memang untuk kebahagiaan diri sendiri or maybe the other way. Siapa yang suka nak bangun and dengan bangga laung, hai orang2 kampung, aku lah orang bersalah. Tiada yang bersalah melainkan aku. And the scripts goes on...
Btw, nak bagitau jugak today my project has to be delayed yahoo! oh no! as no one is able and free to supervise me at the processing lab. Erghh! geramnya.. Frust la kan sebab I dah la jarang nak pergi buat kerja2 lab ni. Then once dah plan the plan is planned to turn to the sideways. Nothing else matter, if you all nak kata, lepak la beb biasa la tu. Setakat tak dapat guna lab pun nak kecoh. I'm ok with that. But then, you please kindly ask yourself back. If you are in my shoe, would you feel regret with the air around you or you just...'ala, aku redha je la..dah nasib badan'. I'm thinking, agaknya kalau ada mahasiswa/i dari universiti yang lain baca entry ni akan rasa ridiculous ke tak. Nak guna lab pun agak susah. But yea, I still admit the weakness at some place, people, management, equipment etc. And yeah, every small mistakes and inconvenient usually come from us as well. Contoh la kan, if hari ni kita ada kutuk orang, tak kisah la kaw2 ke tak but still the 'kutuk' happen, then next week pulak kita dengar ada suara2 sumbang yang menggugat credibility kita sebagai manusia berjaya, means it's fair enough la kot. The thing is, you pernah commit something which is unpleasant for others at the back so you should receive the same thing right back. Fair enough because God allow it to be happened to us. Well, maybe at least once to remind us that we are not good either. And hey, we are not perfect or holy as well. And the important thing is, I repeat..We EVER do something that we do not like to others either. Simple caption "what you give you get back" (sila baca dengan gaya ala2 pemidato terhebat ya!)
And back to the story, my mood while writing in here is getting better. Once I get shocked, I just kept silent. Unless ada seseorang yang baik hati men'free'kan diri to calm me by just listening to what I feel pun dah ok. Tapi I taknak ganggu orang. Banyak lagi keje lain yang perlu my colleagues lakukan yeah to succeed. For today, I chose to write in here. While my inner soul keep chit chatting I jot down the feeling as a sentence. Hmm..I start to feel grateful with my day. Though at first I thought this would be my worse day but luckily it's not. While keeping myself silent and not active I gather back my strength. Life is too short to make yourself frustrated for a long time. Jangan jadikan kehampaan hari ni sebagai sesuatu yang boleh buat kita merasa and berkata macam2 perkara yang sangat menunjukkan kita ni prejudice dengan kehidupan. Apatah lagi merasakan hidup ni tak adil ke apa even it's really true that nowadays, justice is not yet everywhere. But then rugi la kan...
As I couldn't run my project, at least I could gather more info for my writing and yeah, I could start my project writing. Even tak la banyak but I still have something to get through. Alhamdulillah. Thank god. Happy happy! ^_~
Ok, kalau muka camni macam annoying giler kan. Jap nak google face lain. ;) |
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Camni ok la kot kan. Dalam kesamaran dan kesayuan jiwa, terselit satu jiwa yang masih kental, riang memujuk jiwa2 sedih. Peace no war yawww! ^_^ |
Justeru, once my entry is published after this, I wish my day will be better and everything is ok and could be at the right place. ^_^
P/S: When one door is closed so tight for you, please search for the next entrance with the hope that everything could be fixed and improved as we keep moving on.
p/ss : And I think I moved on now! Alhamdulillah. Thank you..
Thank you for reading this readers. May God bless you. Take care!
i saw u with the frustrated face but u keep smiling at me.. Its very sincere i guess...
ReplyDeleteback to yur entry, i can feel completely what u felt about the 'delayed task' but wherever we go and whoever we meet, the birocracy is everywhere.It not to make yur life difficulties but as a human being, we should follow the rules or any regulation made by our people.....however, its one of the way u will contact with person incharge or probably yur future boss...hehe.. Nice!!! huply my dearest does not fell bored or sad because today u r learning sumthing very benefecial..dunt wory,,, insyaAllah,,, i'll be yur side to ensure u r in hepi mood.. ALWAYS ( tp tak la mcm gelak sowang2.. lain la pulak nnty orang kate..hehehe)..like tody.. im with u about 2 hours...n.. i can see yur changes in mood and maturity..hehe..hv a nice day sweet pretty gurl.. ;)
Yeah rite,fine fine fine..satgi kalau i gelak sorang2 org boleh guess 'eh crazy da mezy ke budak ni' seolah2 i sedang menonton scary movie sambil mkn french fries dgn kuah kari. hihiks~ tu time i masih blh rational. x tgk lg bila i emosional yg lantas mgganggu emosi. eee,xmau cakap sbb i pun gerun nk ckp. yg penting, chillax bro! =P