Friday, December 31, 2010

Petua Si Nenek Kebaya

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Hello n hi gorgeous!

Setelah berhari-hari bersantai di rumah tanpa terlibat dengan kerja2 projek tahun akhir maka dengan sukacitanya saya menyibukkan diri dengan kerja2 yang perlu di rumah. Wahhh.. Ternyata berada di rumah sendiri sangat seronok! Ops, bukan sekadar menjadi Cinderella yang tidak habis2 dengan 'house-core'nya, tapi juga menjadi nenek kebaya yang mengamalkan koleksi petua2 lama. Takmau la nenek kebayan ya,sebab dalam dongeng muka dia kurang lawa. Tak macam nenek kebaya..cantik! =p

Aww..stop with those nonsence! Sekarang ni saya ingin berkongsi resepi petua untuk mencerahkan kulit. Tapi sebelum tu, saya mohon agar semua pembaca saya yang cantik, kacak, cakep dan ganteng ni menjadi lebih realistik yerrr.... petua ni adalah untuk kembalikan kecerahan asli dimana warna kulit yang dianugerahkan Allah kepada kita sejak azali itu. Jangan pulak mimpi untuk jadi putih macam Jacko a.k.a M.Jackson kalau amalkan petua ni. Macam kapas pun jangan..KECUALI, sejak umur sehari lagi memang dah memiliki warna kulit macam tu ye!

Alright, Let us start with the ingredients and suitable procedures! =P

- Sediakan semangkuk beras pulut hitam yang dicuci bersih dan dijemur sehingga kering atau keringkan mengikut kreativiti anda. Nak guna 'hairdryer' pun boleh asalkan berasnya dicuci.
- Sebiji kuning telur
- Sebiji limau nipis yang diambil perahan jusnya.

Cara2 membuat masker:
- tumbuk atau 'blend' beras pulut sehingga hancur.
- campurkan dengan kuning telur dan jus limau nipis.
- gaulkan sehingga sebati.

Cara2 memakai masker:
- IMPORTANT! Pastikan wajah dicuci bersih supaya tiada habuk yang terperangkap ketika pemakaian masker nanti.
- Tempelkan masker tadi keseluruhan muka dan sebahagian leher. (jangan sampai menutupi mata)
- Biarkan selama 30 minit atau 1 jam.
- Setelah kering, cuci muka dengan air suam sehingga benar2 bersih dan tiada sisa2 masker yang masih melekat.
Pemakaian masker yang alami (penggunaan dari bahan2 semulajadi) ini selain dapat membantu kulit kelihatan sihat, dapat juga mengembalikan kesegaran wajah. Dapat diperhatikan kaitannya semasa menunggu masker kering dalam tempoh waktu yang ditetapkan, kita boleh berbaring sambil memejamkan mata. Pada waktu ini, otot2 di wajah dapat 'relax' dan insyaAllah minda kita juga dapat direhatkan setelah asyik bekerja berfikir pelbagai perkara. Wajah yang segar, cerah semulajadi dan bertenaga bermula dari fikiran yang tenang, jernih dan lapang. Tidak terkecuali dari hati yang tanpa sekelumit hasad, iri atau apa saja 'presumption' negatif terhadap perkara sekeliling. Begitulah kesan psikologi yang dapat mempengaruhi penampilan seseorang. Jadi yang terpenting, kecantikan dalaman perlu kita naik tarafkan sebagai pemancar kecantikan luaran. :)

Oh ya, putih telur yang terasing tadi boleh diguna pakai sebagai 'light mask'. Pukul putih telur tersebut sehingga berbuih kemudian sapukan ke muka. Biarkan kering selama 15 ke 20 minit kemudian bilas sehingga bersih. Atau, masak je la telur putih tu..jangan buang,tak baik membazir yee. hehe..

Selamat Mencuba!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Belakang Pisau Diasah Lagikan Tajam.

Kejap ada, kejap tiada = tulisan dalam blog ni.
Bukan tidak mahu konsisten dalam menulis.
Cuma saya tidak menjadikan menulis blog ini sesuatu yang wajib yang perlu saya turuti masanya.
Yang saya harapkan, setiap perkongsian pengalaman, informasi atau apa sahaja perkara yang saya mampu fikir dan coretkan berupaya diambil sebagai model pembacaan, rujukan atau yang lebih penting mampu terkesan dihati.

Saya teramat faham 'level' penerimaan manusia terhadap sesuatu perkara yang dianjurkan itu berbeza-beza.
Kebiasaannya yang terletak di 'level' paling atas untuk manusia menerima input yang datang kepadanya adalah siapa yang berkata. SIAPA dan bukan APA. Justeru, bagi setiap yang suka memberi nasihat atau apa sahaja ilmu kepada saudaranya (keluarga,sahabat,atau sesiapa sahaja) yang lain perlu bersedia dengan penolakkan anjuran yang disampaikan. Saya tertarik dengan kata2 Kiai Syihab dalam sinetron Ketika Cinta Bertasbih, "Ternyata menasihati orang yang tidak tahu tetapi berasa dirinya tahu itu susah". Tahu dan tidak tahu itu merangkumi terlalu banyak aspek. Dan setiap aspek yang terlibat itu bukan sekadar membincangkan bahawa orang yang tahu itu pandai membaca dan orang yang tidak tahu itu buta huruf. Sedangkan ada perkara yang lebih diketahui dan dikuasai oleh si buta huruf daripada orang yang celik. Pokoknya, sesuatu perkara itu wajar untuk dilihat sedalam2nya sebelum kita bereaksi.

Cuba renungkan tajuk entry saya kali ni.
Saya diajar peribahasa ini ketika di darjah 4 oleh cikgu BM, Nik Kamaruzzaman. Mungkin ada yang lebih awal mendengarnya daripada saya.
Melihatkan peribahasa tersebut, maksudnya sering diterjemahkan bahawa orang yang kurang cerdas kalau rajin belajar dan berusaha akan pandai akhirnya. Waktu di sekolah, belajar itu adalah seperti membuat kerja2 sekolah, memberi perhatian dalam kelas, menghafal dan mengingat. Tapi dalam usia yang menginjak dewasa dan seterusnya tua, belajar itu berubah menjadi tersangat luas maksudnya. Bukan lagi sekadar menghafal dan mengingat. Tetapi mengamati dan mendalami. Bukan sekadar mengetahui perkara di dalam buku. Tetapi perkara2 yang disampaikan dan dilakonkan oleh saudara-saudara kita dalam dunia nyata. Melihat, mengenal pasti dan mengambil iktibar dari pengalaman orang lain. Tidakkah itu juga satu bentuk pembelajaran?

Dan,cuba perhatikan pula pada perkataan 'asah'. Saya mendapat inspirasi dari sebuah rancangan di radio.
Kata seorang panel, pergeseran yang berlaku sewaktu proses mengasah itu sangat memedihkan. Tapi akhirnya, pisau akan tajam dan bebas dari kesan karat. Seterusnya, dapat berfungsi dengan lebih baik.
Begitu juga manusia, dalam meningkatkan ilmu,kesabaran,kekuatan jiwa...kritikan dan ujian yang diterima satu masa nanti wajar diambil berat. Dan dipandang secara telus setiap pergeseran pendapat antara kamu dan dia. Antara engkau dan aku. Antara kita dan mereka. Malangnya, berapa ramai dalam kalangan kita yang mampu menegur dan kritik saudaranya dengan tulus?. Jujurnya, saya masih belum mampu. Mungkin dalam dunia hari ini yang lebih penting adalah pujian bukan kritikan. Dan kalau ada yang memberikan kritikan, nadanya jarang yang tiada berbaur cemburu. Apalagi yang disertakan dengan hikmah. Jauh sekali. Bukan tiada, tapi kurang ramai.

Saya yakin, jiwa yang menang bukan bermakna mudah mengutarakan pelbagai kata. Tetapi mampu mengutarakan apa yang benar. Jiwa yang kuat juga bukan bermakna kita perlu sentiasa dilihat benar oleh orang lain. Tetapi yang mampu mengaku kesalahan. Saya kurang pasti kalau penulisan saya menyebabkan ada yang tersinggung. Tetapi saya tidak perlu mencari kemaafan dalam entry ini. Sebab apa yang dibincangkan adalah sesuatu yang sangat universal dan tidak wajar untuk dipertimbangkan sebagai sesuatu hal yang peribadi.

Sehingga Bertemu lagi ;)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Hi, Good Morning!

Today I have no class. It's canceled!
But I'm not really free as I got some urgent stuff to do.
Tapi sempat je nak update blog. HIHI.
Hurm.. Awal pagi tadi dah rasa macam nak tercabut jantung dengan gurauan my friend.
Nasib baik la dia terpelihara dari sepukan I. Boleh pulak main2 dalam waktu2 yang serius.
Eeee.. Geram! But I'm glad having a friend like him whose appreciate my doings. 
Thanx arapuchee! (In Korean, it means grandpa) I tak mau mention nama, nanti dia terlebih famous pulak. HIHI.

Sambil-sambil I buat kerja tadi, I was listening to all my favorite songs. 
Various types of musics and patterns. 
And for now, I rasa macam nak share satu lagu yang agak fast, sung by Devotees, Lament.
Em, it is nasheed! Sort of...
Kadang2 I memang dengar nasyid. Tapi I bukan orang yang baik sangat. Dan bukan orang yang baik sahaja yang mendengar nasyid. I just like the lyrics. Bagi I, dalam penciptaan sesebuah lagu, perlu ada gabungan lirik yang bermakna serta melodi yang boleh menggerakkan hati dan mampu memberikan mood yang baik kepada pendengar.
And that would be the best song to be heard. 
Well, it's just my two cents. 

Ok dear readers, 
The link above would bring u to the song.
As it has no lyrics, I put the lyrics for it down there.
Do internalize these lyrics ya! =)


You like to live
like to believe
Essence of life is fun
Want to pretend
The life that you live
Has no guiding hands and you

Jumped into the monies
And never looked back
Moved away from righteousness
You want it all
And don't care if you fall
You wanna see the world
You wanna be the world

Try to believe
The reason to live
Eternal compassion
You'll feel it deep within inside of you

The chance to repent
The chance to live
A new life
A new beginning
But you


Do you throw life away
Don't you wanna be among
The ones who fought for the truth
When you eyes were blinded
By the false temptation in your life
Then tell me why must you 

Jumped into the monies
And never looked back
Moved away from righteousness
You want it all
And don't care if you fall
You wanna see the world
You wanna be the world

Until here,
Have a good day all!
Take care~ 

Friday, July 16, 2010

My Girls and I.. Em,boys???

How are you dearest! I baru balik dari bandar Kuala Terengganu. 
Hang-out with my precious girlfriends like always. 
Hari ni nak sewa kereta pun susah. So, terpaksa la naik kenderaan yang berwarna kuning 
yang wujud kat sini untuk ke bandar. We went to PC-FAIR. 
Sangat sesak ok! Rasa macam gi shopping kat pasar malam je. 
Lemas n rimas! Uff.. But ok la daripada takde kan. 
Kat Kuala Terengganu ni tak banyak sangat tempat  hiburan yg menarik. 
Hidup sangat bosan tanpa hiburan. Betul kan? 
Kalau u kata tak betul, u adalah orang yg sgt membosankan. 
Hidup u sepi tak bermaya. So, please stay away. HEHE. 
Well, it depends on how u define 'hiburan' n your life. 
Ada org kata, Karaoke tu hiburan. Orang lain pulak kata baca Quran tu pun satu hiburan. 
Terpulang. Asalkan u tak ganggu ketenteraman manusia sejagat sudah. 
If u nak kata, 'Do I Care?'. Favorite quote muda-mudi zaman sekarang tu, Silakan. 
Bermaksud, u adalah manusia yang sgt n paling mulia sebab bila u cakap macam tu, bermakna u jugak merelakan orang lain mengganggu ketenteraman you. 
Salutation goes to you then hun! Anyhow, I hope all my friends are happy with their life for now and then. Even I tak tau siapa u dan u tak tau siapa I. HEHE.

Being with my girls is really2 fun. I like! Bukan girls yang spent time untuk hari ni je. Tapi semua. 
Yes, SEMUA. I'm lucky coz I have girlfriends which possess so much attitudes! 
Ada yang kelakar sampai I rasa boleh cramp perut if ketawa dengan dia. 
Yang manja hampir semua, biasa la girl kan. 
Cuma bergantung, berapa banyak sifat kemanjaan tu dipamerkan. Kadang2 mmg lemas sbb manja sgt, mengalahkan kucing! Cubit sat g baru tau! Tapi bila dinilai balik, 
sifat tu menarik utk diri dia, mereka n I jugak 
(gimme credit please,hihi).
But of course, ada yg rasa irritated. 
If one of my reader feel that way, try to tell that person ok. 
Don't talk behind babes. Sebab u sangat cantik/kacak to do such thing. 
Hmm, penakut pun ada jugak. Kalau tgk cerita seram tu jangan cakap la, confirm tutup mata. 
Sebab dia taknak 'hantu' dalam cerita tu tengok dia. Malu la tu. HEHE. =P 
Yang mengada2, ramai je..yang pendiam sangat, yang kecoh sangat pun ada. 

PELBAGAI! Chop! before I terlupa, yang gedik2 santai pun ramai jugak. 
But no worries, sebab you all yang macam ni sangat cute n sesuai untuk menggedik. 
Tapi, terdapat beberapa kerat yang sangat menyesakkan jiwa sehingga boleh merobek hati dan perasaan. And the best way, CHILL!!! (actually, rasa nak sepuk tanpa perasaan kasih sayang je kat orang2 macam tu. 
Tapi tenang ye, kita tak berhak untuk menyakiti orang lain. No n Never). =)
I also have several friends yang confuse dengan jantina sendiri. O'oh.. Too bad. 
So I agak keliru nak masuk kan kawan2 I ni dalam kategori mana. HEHE. 
Even dia/mereka macam tu, please jangan pandang hina ye! 
Selagi u tak pergi kat dia n fix them back u tak berhak untuk mencemuh. 
Sebab mana tau kalau esok lusa u atau I jadi macam tu dengan tiba2. 
Are we ready for that? Tidak kan. So, please don't. Most people doing that. 
Easy to look down at others yet they themselves are not perfect. That's the reality ok! 
We are not perfect and good. So why must you be so arrogant with yourself? Cruel is it? 
Talking about friends is like narrating about our whole life. 
Banyak dan semuanya memberikan makna yg sgt berharga.

Boys, the friends of mine are also interesting!
But too many to be told. Time constrain for now.
I taknak you all jadi terlalu pegun dan mata terlekat kat screen gara-gara membaca blog I tanpa henti. 

Oh DEAR, need to off now. Mata asyik nak terpejam je ni.
Until here, take care readers! Dudes, Babes! Nyte!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Best Start In The Morning

Good Morning! 
Ada lagi masa 10 minit sebelum masuk waktu tengah hari.
Eyt, I bukan baru bangun ok. Baru je balik dari ladang ni. Saje nak mencari keseronokan di pagi hari kat ladang tu. Lagipun Mr.Someone yang invite. Jadi I sangat berbesar hati menerima pelawaan dia dan teman dia bagi makan ikan. Oh, I love fish! Or I love him? Chop, jangan nak mengada. Coz I love both! hihi..=P 
Gatal eh? Kadang2. Baru la life u seronok n tak statik or pegun. Tapi jangan la selalu ok. Sebab kalau orang cantik or hensem macam u all, selalu nak menggatal, tak bertempat pulak tu. Tak kira masa, n dimana2 jua, bermakna u all ada penyakit kulit yg sgt serius. And u know what, it's really dangerous and disgusting! And it makes u become really ugly or maybe the ugliest one. Eww... bukan entry untuk berjiwa2 yang karat ye. Sebab jiwa bukan besi yang perlu wujud semua jenis 'stain'. Cuma perlu dihiasi dengan pelbagai rasa dan perasaan. Wah2, konon je. HEHE
I nak memenuhi ruang masa yang ada sebelum I bz dengan bermacam-macam projek pembangunan makanan atau 'food development' nanti. Amat la berbahagia kita semua ni dapat hidup dengan makanan. (terfikir pulak nak makan apa jap lagi) hehe.. 
Opps! Back to the topic. 
Haih.. Actually I nak ceritakan pengalaman bermakna yang I jalani pada pagi tadi. 
Baby sitting and feeding the fishes!
There're 3 types of meals to feed them. Semuanya Mr.Someone yang sediakan. I tolong bagi makan je. Hehe. Well, dalam hal ni adalah lebih baik kita serahkan kepada yang pakar. Salah satu meals  untuk baby2 ikan tu dicampurkan dengan kuning telur. Or telur kuning? Ehm ape2 je, yang penting I tengok tadi telur tu berwarna kuning. hihi. Dan salah satu daripada dua jenis lagi tu dicampurkan dengan air. Kata Mr.Someone, sbb nak bagi makanan/pellet tu senang break. Lembut la sikit untuk anak2 ikan tu kunyah. I was very excited watching they grab the pellet and eat! Mulut kecik, muat2 je pellet tu masuk. Cute! Antara kesemuanya jenis tu, they prefer yang ada 'egg yolk'. Lebih berselera diorang makan. (sesuai ke guna diorang eh? hentam je la..hee) Ikan2 ni pun pandai memilih yang terbaik. Bukan kita je tau. ;)
Then, tadi I berpeluang pegang ikan2 kecik tu. My 1st time! Sebelum ni bela ikan pun tak pernah pegang. Credit untuk Mr. Someone sebab meningkatkan keyakinan I pegang ikan tu. Bila dia bergerak2 kat tangan, terasa geli bangat tau! Tapi best. Nanti I nak pegang lagi ye. Please..please..please.. =P 
I bet this morning really superb. And it was! Oh I really like to spend my time like this. With the Mr.Someone and the fishes! A cool date for me. Knowledgeable also. Lepas selesai semuanya, we both (Mr. Someone and I) berjalan kaki untuk balik sambil sembang2 secara santai tapi bukan kat tepi pantai =p. I like the part when he's narrating about his mom's and dad's life. About the hardness and the sweetness in life. Both of them are really meant to be together dear. They both  are willing to give and take. Oh, I miss the mom. Sambil jalan2 tu, ada seorang 'guard' yang baik dgn Mr. Someone ajak berbual2 sekejap. That guy is very inspiring. Apa yang diceritakan dan dikongsikan dalam perbualan tu, meyakinkan I yang dia seorang yang bercita-cita tinggi. Dia ada jiwa n semangat untuk berjaya. Dan I sangat pasti sekarang dia mencari saluran yang baik untuk mencapai apa yang dia harapkan dalam hidup ni. Man with a good vision. I like. Menjadi seorang 'guard' mmg la tidak glamor atau gah di mata masyarakat. Tapi kita sebagai orang yang kononnya berpelajaran ni, jangan mudah pandang rendah terhadap kerendahan tahap n status seseorang tu. Lagipun, rendah ke tinggi ke martabat seseorang di muka bumi ni, kita sendiri yg tetapkan. Bukan tuhan. Jadi tak salah kalau kita mengubah pandangan yg lebih baik kepada ramai orang. Thanx everyone! Thanx to this morning. Thanx to all my precious people.
Until Here, 
I love today very much, I hope you too people! 
Take Care~

What A Wonderful World

Hi folks!
How's your day? I wish everything is going so fine and very well.
Hey, have you ever knew or heard about the Louis Armstrong?
I'm not sure whether you know him or not but he is a singer and has a great voice. 
A good trumpeter also.
A black skin man yet so charming with his talent. Attractive! So, those who is black or dark, please be proud with your skin color as you have a really perfect and charm skin. Thank god! You are attractive OK!
And another black singer I like are Mr Nat King Cole, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Peabo Bryson and several more which I don't really remember their name. HEHE.. 
They all have a great and unique voice. Isn't that beauty and wonderful? It is... right?

Erm, actually I just wanted to share the Louis Armstrong song lyrics because I think everyone of us live in this world with the various, odd or maybe weird kind of things and surroundings, which make your world so wonderful. Get through the lyrics...

What A Wonderful World

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

The colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people going by
I see friends shakin' hands, sayin' How do you do?
They're really saying I love you

I hear babies cryin', I watch them grow
They'll learn much more than I'll ever know
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
Yes, I think to myself, what a wonderful world

Oh yeah

The Louis Armstrong

Until here, Take care! =)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cause I Didn't Fall.. I Just Developed.

How are you gorgeous? Some of you may have sleep. Hope you'll be blessed then. But please don't snoring ya! unless the sound is melodious to be heard. HEHE :p
Since I am still fresh, I wanna write a bit about our common feeling which is best called as 'LOVE'.
I bet some of us had fallen in love before and their love is blossom until now.
I could see many beautiful gardens in your soul now. Uuuu...=p
Must be happy being with the someone we love. Don't commit suicide if you don't feel like that. Really..really..
But how many percents is your love towards your partner people? Can't be counted for sure. As there is no measurement on this weird feeling. I bet u to say yes! HEHE..

I had fallen in love,once! And I consider it was an accidentally happened. That feeling was really superb,duh! So beautiful, so relax yet risky. Ohh.. I can't help falling with the wrong guy. Not because of he is not good, but I am too bad if I get him. He is someone who already possessed everything that a man needed. So I won't interrupt. Because I don't want him to be so cruel with what he has now n spoil everything. No...and please no.. Although I know he is the best controller at many directions. I'm deleting that feeling. But I do appreciate and respect him as apart of my precious friends. Even from far and silent. Who is that guy? Only one of us knew, excluded him. I won't tell anyone because it is not necessary. (Like in the ct's song 'Biarlah Rahsia) hehe..

For now, I have someone which I could share many things but not everything. And absolutely a guy. (Well, I love guys! hehe) Girls, you and me are just the same. There must be something wrong somewhere if you never get attracted with your opposite gender. Come on, it is really a BIG LIE! So please admit. But the level of the attraction is depends on how high is your faith. (I'm sorry, I am not qualified enough to talk about faith like most readers in here). Having a special man in my life now is not because I've fall for him. Na a'a... I have to go through many of the orientations which could bring the good connection between me and him. Feel the love with a stranger is like ridiculous and can't be so simple as that, unless both of you have the strongest aura and 'magnet' that could attract one and another. (Means, I kurang percaya dengan cinta pandang pertama..hee)

Day by day I do my best to seek for the understanding and to be understood. And I am so sure the other side also did. Thanx, you are so kind. It's not easy to understand a person as we ourselves can't really understand our own-self. The toleration, argumentation, quarreling, debating, consideration, respect, and many more are the elements that are very important to blend the relationship so well. To get the sweetness, we have to go through the flavorless. And to select the best spice, you have to know how to cook. Is it relevant? Very.. But you must discover it by your own. :) I appreciate with what I have now. By developing the love in me, I could not simply betray my partner. I want to say yes for the mistakes I've done. So much wrong doings I've done! But, because of the developed feeling inside, somehow I could get the flash that will cross in front me and say 'please stop doing that' whenever I'm in the middle of the bad stuff or action.

Kinda tiring. Time to sleep. Take care!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

When The Heart is Rebelling on Something


How are you people? It's about 3 days I left this blog since I launched my new chapter of life in the previous entry.
Hope everything is done so well by you cause I'm 'ill' with some stuffs. Ergh! (But,please..chill aja) HEHE..
I am at Kusza now, being transferred from the most beloved hostel at MAIDAM. The easiest and pleasant place for me to meet someone. HEE (very the 'mengada'). Oh god, it's really tiring being here and there but I feel so lucky having many friends which are so helpful, caring, loving, hanging.and etc..ehm, maybe I also possess the same value like'em. hihi..

The stuff which I like at most in the transferring process is my friends and I without discarding anyone of us try and doing our best to make an illegal move. Ahah! Congratulations my dearest friends! (pada pandangan sesetengah orang, kami sangat mengada2 dan 'selfish') Oh Hello, sometimes and somewhere we're really need to be selfish alright! As long as it's not harmful to others but of course a bit 'menyusahkan' several student which has to move to the other room because of us. But what to do dearest, we chose to be so selfish by now. Besides, we all do our best to find the best room for them to stay. No worries, they all got the place. Anyhow, we did the best fight to get what we want, even some may call it as 'illegal' or anything that will regard with the 'not satisfied' feeling. Uh,come on..don't simply accuse that to us OK! ( yang tak puas hati tu pun nak perkara yang sama, cuma tak berani nak bertindak. Konon ikut peraturan sangat la. It's good, but not really the best. Poor you! Then, pergi buat aduan and whatsoever. Next time daftar lambat2 lagi ye. Uff, what a spoiled!) Furthermore, I've never been taught this kinda action is consider as bad or anything, but we just did! And I think it's just OK ;) HEHE

To our dean, tQ so much for always been there for us and fight for many things. We do appreciate it. Oh, tomorrow got class at KOTA, again with Dr Raja Danial (sedap nama tu)
Until here, Take care :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A New Chapter is About to Begin

It's been a very long,long and long time I didn't make any move in this site. Since I was attached for the Industrial Training.
And I didn't even open my own blog. Yes,this one! The one that you are reading now! Oh, cruel me...
Plan to update but I have so much things to be settled, to be thought, to be said and all about what i'll be doing on the next second at in front. (Like I'm one of the minister or something..pfft..) HEHE

Not much to be updated in here, just want to let my gorgeous readers know that my new semester is already started today. And it's all about final year project oriented. aaahhh. Scared and nervous!
Any new resolution in the new semester? Many students doing that but I just started. HUHU
It is too long my determination is not to renew. What kinda student am I? Bad huh? hee..
Making a new of aim or resolution or any so-called "follow-me" by YOURSELF yet not to follow? Oh,yes.. What a waste! (No worries, I was talking in front of the mirror and it was pointed at me) :)
Well, I didn't plan to state any of my aims or wishes particularly in here but, I want to do my best!  
And you too readers. At any cost, at any direction or even at any eye flicker. All the best!

Thanks to all my followers and I feel happy with the new fella.
Special thanks to a friend which drives me to stay so steady to give some updates.
Credit to everybody who is reading my site now.

Ehm, for the sake of the World Cup fever,flu or whatsoever.. I bet for Spain! HEHE
¡chau. . .

Friday, January 8, 2010


since i found that my statement isnt really correct, i posted another reply in the discussion board.

the latest post in there is at below..
heyya..respons back to juaini n others too..

nak buat pembetulan statement ckit. frozen donut ade jgk dibuat, tapi

x byk..hanya dihantar ke dua outlet sahaja. SOGO and Sunway. we all

didnt taste all the varieties of products at DD yet. soon,will be. i

plan ngn sya,sue n basnah to have it satu persatu. we all boleh beli

wif the staff price. cheaper la..:) later, we'll be in outlet which is

required us to make a good sales at DD. jadi ble dh rase most of the

products, baru la blh nk promote kat customer. here, we'll be trained

to know about all the products also. jadi, selain tahu mcm mane nk

bake the product, the 'biografi' of the product pun kte kne tau. then

only u tau wat to promote and recommend. senang cakap, serba-serbi la

kne tau. FOODTECH is a really huge area to be in. Alhamdulillah,tuhan

dh tempatkan kita semua dlm bidang ni. jadi x boleh nk sia2 kan ape yg

ada depan mata kan. it isnt proffesional to taste all of the food we

had made in the kitchen isnt it? thats why, prof slalu ckp jgn mkn2

dlm lab. it isnt show a good manner. melainkan, wat we did is

obviously to taste the products. mcm sensory evaluation subject nanti.

tadi buat cleaning inspection kat kitchen. after finish production,

area must be cleaned rite. we as QC there, kne pantau la diorg wat

keje. by this time, mane yg x betul, kita kne buat teguran. bkn senang

nk bg arahan kat sesiapa pun. btul x?tapi if dengan cara berhikmah,

nothing is impossible. mcm tadi, selepas siap production untuk pizza,

yg dipertanggungjawabkan utk bersihkan mixer. havent clean the mixer.

if i nk tlg bersihkan blh je. infact mse kat lab, i dh kne denda ngn

puan izy, bersihkan mixer coz dtg , about bersih2 ni

ade la ckit experience.hee..but, for today i choose to make the staff

follow the instuction.dh berkali ckp tapi tindakannya masih belum

nampak. bkn la bg arahan mcm komander ke ape. wat i did was, i mintak

kain pengelap machine dgn org yg sepatutnye tu, then b4 i sempat kate

ape2, x ckp pun nk bersihkan. mintak je, die terus faham sendiri. then

terus g cuci. here, wat i learned is..dlm nk memberikan arahan atau

minta favor org lain, kaedah psychology penting utk kte aplikasikan.

mesti la dat guy malu klu i pulak yg kne bersihkan machine tu kan. to

do all the cleaning thing is not a matter for me and u guys also

rite.sbb dh jd kebiasaan kte pun utk buat semua tu. tapi, dlm bekerja,

selain tau buat sesuatu and ade innitiative utk melakukannya, we also

need to be smart to ask another people to do it. furthermore, the

responsible person should aware with their resposibility. dakwah

rasulullah, dgn berhikmah. tu yg kite belajar dari sekolah rendah lg

kan. jadi, mari sme2 kite aplikasikan bersame. ilmu tanpa amal, orang

kata sia2..:) hehe..until here..esk kne kerja lg..selamat tido


Day 5..

today i just wanna update wat i've done in Dunkin' Donuts for the 5 days i've been there.
i'm bz with the discussion groups now, made by my lecturer Prof Che Abdullah.
so in here, i'll paste some of the parts of the discussion in the group.
the group is named FOODTECHHEREOES..
below is the part of it.

I was response to my friend (juaini)>

best nyer kat sana, byk benda bru leh bljar..nnti xpasal2 lpas grad

leh bukak kdai donut sndri..

donut kt sana buat tuk terus mkan ajer ke?

yg frozen pun ad ke hiz buat kt sana?

the respons:

insyaAllah jue..ade rezki nnti blh la buat bisnes..kita blh

bekerjasama jgk..

yes,kat cni wat donut yg terus mkn je. atau istilah yg best ckit

'ready to eat donut'. frozen donut xde. tp ade frozen bun and pizza as

those are also dunkin' donuts' products. beza dunkin and another brand

of donuts store is their making and the way the donuts are

serve..contoh la, klu big apple, they all buat fresh kat dlm outlet

and put all the donuts in the showcase rack tu.then the customer will

queue and pick all their desired donuts then pack n pay. different

with dunkin, we all make all the donuts that have been ordered from

the outlets in the kitchen. atau nk lg mudah faham, setiap outlet akan

buat tempahan donut kat kitchen (KILANG) dunkin donut which is at

ours, the one that me and other 3 doing the LI. lepas dh siap sume

donut tu, termasuk decoration, kalau kat sane kita panggil finishing,

then baru la kita distribute ke outlet2 yg menempah tu. bile donut tu

sampai kat outlet,all of them will be placed in the showcase rack.

then customer yg nk bli kne msuk outlet n buat tempahan donut. they

all usually akan duduk n have a relaxing there. konsep dunkin is kinda

cafe jgk. kat kitchen, atau kite selalu panggil production line, akan

ade 2 shift. bg production utk shift malam, distribution akan run

pagi. shift pagi pulak, product die akan kite distribute petang..camtu

la serba ckit..nk share lg byk sgt pulak nk taip.kita

share ckit2 dulu la ye...hehe:p..rindu la kat jue..n kat smua member2

dan lecturers..kne encourage yg xde google account, buat account. so

dat blh join grup ni..oh,td our training manager ade bagi homework. we

call her Gejie..she likes to ask many things while we do the practical

session. its good actually as we can improve our self in amny area.

contohnye, kite akan bergerak lebih pantas dari biase to get all the

relevant information about food, means all the products, then we would

drive ourself towards many others infomations...and i really impress

of her and all the boss there. they all are very helpful. for u guys,

yg dpt boss frenly n helpful tu..i rase kte kne ambil peluang ni to be

like them. they all have their own standard and as a practical

student,kte kne bijak and berani utk berkawan dgn mereka ni. be in

dunkin also taught me how to be professional in dealing with people

around. if we wanna work in the industry nanti, kualiti2 macam ni mmg

diperlukan. and like my general manager said, also set our standard at

high level. bkn bermaksud ade standard yg tinggi kite blh memperkotak-

katikkan org bawah. NO!!.Tapi untuk kita capai kualiti dalam bidang yg

kita ceburi ni. and when we have that level of standard, therefore we

are able to help others to be like us..achieve the standard, achieve

the quality. we still have several month to make all out, improving

ourself. macam yg prof kate, kita kne USAHA. nk berusaha, kita kne tau

ape nk capai n ade kemahuan untuk mencapainya. klu tak, everything

that we do now, is nothing.. k la, terbanyak taip pulak.hehe..minta


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

After 3 Days...


dah lama sangat tak update blog..
my entry is about to focus on my industrial training.
other than that, out of my intention.
3 days working at golden donuts gave me a lot of knowledges
which i think it suitable for every foodtechnology students.
What are those, i'm gonna share later. hopefully tomorrow.
now, my head is spinning around. i forgot the day and date.
ok yea, lets have the relaxing..:)