Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cause I Didn't Fall.. I Just Developed.

How are you gorgeous? Some of you may have sleep. Hope you'll be blessed then. But please don't snoring ya! unless the sound is melodious to be heard. HEHE :p
Since I am still fresh, I wanna write a bit about our common feeling which is best called as 'LOVE'.
I bet some of us had fallen in love before and their love is blossom until now.
I could see many beautiful gardens in your soul now. Uuuu...=p
Must be happy being with the someone we love. Don't commit suicide if you don't feel like that. Really..really..
But how many percents is your love towards your partner people? Can't be counted for sure. As there is no measurement on this weird feeling. I bet u to say yes! HEHE..

I had fallen in love,once! And I consider it was an accidentally happened. That feeling was really superb,duh! So beautiful, so relax yet risky. Ohh.. I can't help falling with the wrong guy. Not because of he is not good, but I am too bad if I get him. He is someone who already possessed everything that a man needed. So I won't interrupt. Because I don't want him to be so cruel with what he has now n spoil everything. No...and please no.. Although I know he is the best controller at many directions. I'm deleting that feeling. But I do appreciate and respect him as apart of my precious friends. Even from far and silent. Who is that guy? Only one of us knew, excluded him. I won't tell anyone because it is not necessary. (Like in the ct's song 'Biarlah Rahsia) hehe..

For now, I have someone which I could share many things but not everything. And absolutely a guy. (Well, I love guys! hehe) Girls, you and me are just the same. There must be something wrong somewhere if you never get attracted with your opposite gender. Come on, it is really a BIG LIE! So please admit. But the level of the attraction is depends on how high is your faith. (I'm sorry, I am not qualified enough to talk about faith like most readers in here). Having a special man in my life now is not because I've fall for him. Na a'a... I have to go through many of the orientations which could bring the good connection between me and him. Feel the love with a stranger is like ridiculous and can't be so simple as that, unless both of you have the strongest aura and 'magnet' that could attract one and another. (Means, I kurang percaya dengan cinta pandang pertama..hee)

Day by day I do my best to seek for the understanding and to be understood. And I am so sure the other side also did. Thanx, you are so kind. It's not easy to understand a person as we ourselves can't really understand our own-self. The toleration, argumentation, quarreling, debating, consideration, respect, and many more are the elements that are very important to blend the relationship so well. To get the sweetness, we have to go through the flavorless. And to select the best spice, you have to know how to cook. Is it relevant? Very.. But you must discover it by your own. :) I appreciate with what I have now. By developing the love in me, I could not simply betray my partner. I want to say yes for the mistakes I've done. So much wrong doings I've done! But, because of the developed feeling inside, somehow I could get the flash that will cross in front me and say 'please stop doing that' whenever I'm in the middle of the bad stuff or action.

Kinda tiring. Time to sleep. Take care!

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