Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Hi, Good Morning!

Today I have no class. It's canceled!
But I'm not really free as I got some urgent stuff to do.
Tapi sempat je nak update blog. HIHI.
Hurm.. Awal pagi tadi dah rasa macam nak tercabut jantung dengan gurauan my friend.
Nasib baik la dia terpelihara dari sepukan I. Boleh pulak main2 dalam waktu2 yang serius.
Eeee.. Geram! But I'm glad having a friend like him whose appreciate my doings. 
Thanx arapuchee! (In Korean, it means grandpa) I tak mau mention nama, nanti dia terlebih famous pulak. HIHI.

Sambil-sambil I buat kerja tadi, I was listening to all my favorite songs. 
Various types of musics and patterns. 
And for now, I rasa macam nak share satu lagu yang agak fast, sung by Devotees, Lament.
Em, it is nasheed! Sort of...
Kadang2 I memang dengar nasyid. Tapi I bukan orang yang baik sangat. Dan bukan orang yang baik sahaja yang mendengar nasyid. I just like the lyrics. Bagi I, dalam penciptaan sesebuah lagu, perlu ada gabungan lirik yang bermakna serta melodi yang boleh menggerakkan hati dan mampu memberikan mood yang baik kepada pendengar.
And that would be the best song to be heard. 
Well, it's just my two cents. 

Ok dear readers, 
The link above would bring u to the song.
As it has no lyrics, I put the lyrics for it down there.
Do internalize these lyrics ya! =)


You like to live
like to believe
Essence of life is fun
Want to pretend
The life that you live
Has no guiding hands and you

Jumped into the monies
And never looked back
Moved away from righteousness
You want it all
And don't care if you fall
You wanna see the world
You wanna be the world

Try to believe
The reason to live
Eternal compassion
You'll feel it deep within inside of you

The chance to repent
The chance to live
A new life
A new beginning
But you


Do you throw life away
Don't you wanna be among
The ones who fought for the truth
When you eyes were blinded
By the false temptation in your life
Then tell me why must you 

Jumped into the monies
And never looked back
Moved away from righteousness
You want it all
And don't care if you fall
You wanna see the world
You wanna be the world

Until here,
Have a good day all!
Take care~ 


  1. for me, the best song is depends on the how the lyric was written and how it able to reach the people's heart... if u fell it, so, u got it.. :0

    # selamat teruskan projel food development awak ye...

  2. dan sesebuah lagu bleh dikategorikan as the best song bila mmpu membuatkan pendengar2 berfikir dan dapat memberi kebaikan kpd diri sendiri dan sekelilingnye. bukan mengkhayalkan/melaghakan pendengar yang mendengar...;)


Awak nak tulis apa tu?...;)